Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dear Mia

It's been a while since I wrote you last. I've been busy trying to keep my grades up so we can have a good life, and you've been annoying me. So I didn't write you.
But really. You're quite the annoying little toddler, but you also are very funny. So that makes up for it.
Like one day, you got a cup of juice, and I guess you must have been extra thirsty or something because you said, "Mmmm. This good. This JUICE!!" You reminded me of one of those 200 pound babies on Maury.... Well... By the time you read this, you won't know what Maury is, but I'll inform you.

It's nice to hear your speech improving after you had your surgery. Now you're saying words I didn't think you had the concept of, putting together more sentences, and repeating me more often. Even at McDonald's, you repeated my whole order because you're funny like that. You still have an accent though... Pig is "peeg", horse is "haa" (with a falling-down tone like the #5 in Lao), phone is "fom", frog is "fron". Not sure where you get it from, but I guess you lived in Laos in your past life.

Oh, I might as well get this out now. Sorry I gave you laryngitis. You currently sound like a little boy going through puberty with a raccoon attached to his trachea. Its funny, but then it's sad hearing you cough because I know how painful it is. But you'll get better soon. And maybe you'll have a Tickle Me Elmo laugh like me now! (And I might have to inform you about Tickle Me Elmo also...)
And I dislike the fact that you call me "Raven", and fight with me over it. You only say "mom/mama" when you want something. "Please! Ma-ma!" I guess this shows you know how to trick people (which can me good), and that you're aware of your surroundings/details. You know I'm your mom, but you also know my name is Raven. You better stop soon... I look like your sister or nanny already out in public and you calling me "Raven" makes it worse.

But it's nice seeing you're like a real person now and I can actually have a mini conversation with you. You tell me how you feel now, if you want to eat, what hurts, and say your favorite sentence: "I doo-doo."
I hope that stays your favorite sentence forever. =]


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