Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dear Mia,

It's been a long, crazy, suspenseful, fun year, and you are finally turning one. I can't believe that just 365 days ago, you were only 20 inches long, 6 pounds 7 ounces and with pin-straight hair. A little bean that slept about 16 hours a day and clung on to my boobies like a rabid banshee. I could hold you with on arm and I was terribly frightened that you were so fragile that I could break you.

You scared me multiple times this year. From the traumatic labor, and the nurses would not let me see you for nearly 3 hours.
Being stuck in the hospital for 6 extra days because you had jaundice so horribly. It still didn't fully go away until you were about a month and a half to 2 months old.
When we thought you couldn't hear because you wouldn't respond to anything. Turns out, you were just ignoring us.
You hit your head on a corner on the TV set and cried hysterically. I think you still have a little bump back there...
You fell off the bed only 2 times. Recently, I grabbed your leg and arm right as you were fall off the edge backwards. Good thing your mommy has good reflexes!

Besides the scary parts in this past year, we had some funny moments also. You used to punch me in the boob multiple times while you were eating. Then you found it hilarious when you would bite the boobies and look at my face to see the reaction.
And let's not forget how you pooped all over the floor because I wanted to let your booty breathe instead of being cooped up in the diaper all day. I learned my lesson.
You also love to talk about Callie behind her back. One time you were mumbling something to me as she passed by. I asked what you had said and you repeated yourself. When Callie said, "What did you say?", you replied, "Da-da?"
I love your kisses. I just don't love the fact that you like to give kisses, and then bite my face, leaving 3 beautiful little teeth marks. Why you only have on tooth on the top, we will never know. Until the other tooth decides to come join the party, I will continue to call you "One-tooth Patrick".
I will never understand how you seem to dance and pop your booty WAY better than you can walk. I guess it's the black gene coming out...

Now, a year later, you don't look as much like your father's clone, you're walking almost like a big girl and your hair isn't so "pin-straight". More like a head full of curly fries with some napps in the back. You have my sense of humor with a attitude to match. I hope this year will be full of more laughter, smiles and hugs, and less fighting, tears and time apart. I know I will have to be apart from you because of school and work, but I will try my hardest to make up for lost time. And I expect a hug and kiss everyday until you turn 18 or become too embarrassed that your mommy is cooler than you will ever be.

With love, Mommy

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