Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Boys, boys, boys!

Are dumb. At least the ones around my age who are still single and not in a committed relationship or marriage, biblical commitment, etc...

So many times I have been disappointed by the male species. Mama's boys, cheaters, players, broke, mean, gangsters, drug dealers, psychological disorders, shy, awkward, lack of social skills. You name it, I've met it. I'm not sure why I attract such a negative group of young men... I guess I just have the "I'll save you look" because I believe all people are naturally good... and I think I need to reconsider that theory...

Here is my hypothesis of why I believe young men have gone down hill:

The Media: It's all around us, killing us, hypnotizing us, and just bad. It convinces girls they are never thin enough and boys are never strong enough. On top of that, rap music does NOT really emphasize treating girls respectfully; with it [rap] being at an all time high, young boys hear the lyrics, believe it and carry that stigma into their later years. Really. I can find SO many songs about 300 degrading women and like 150 that do not because those took a different route & boosts the illegal substance business. Its a loose-loose situation.

Chivalry: When was the last time a guy pulled out your chair for you or helped take off your jacket? I have NEVER experienced this before. Sure I see OLDER couple demonstrating this small act of kindness mostly because I work in a restaurant and there are an abundance of dates. The young men? Nope. Even when the lobby is crowded, I rarely see a young man give up his seat so a lady can sit down, while daddy & grandpa does it all the time.

Dates: (I think this is only me.) I believe I have been on ONE or two dates where I didn't have to pay for the whole or half of the bill. Never. Never. Never ever ever. Ever. My wallet has been on FIRE since I was allowed to date (16 years old). I haven't been on a date since about May, so t's gotten a well deserved break. I know guys are not obligated to pay for the dinner every time, but it would be nice to treat your lady once in a while, yes?

Gifts: I am NOT a materialistic person. I enjoy earning my own dollars and buying my own possessions. Especially if we break up, I won't resent it! (lol) Birthdays, holidays, just because's, those are sweet and nice. Just do something from the heart that she would enjoy. Even if it is a home made card with a CD of love songs on it. Some guys just buy gifts without thinking OR what their ex's would have liked. (Mmm. My fave)You wanna know how many gifts I have gotten in the past? About two or three. And they are all things that his ex would have enjoyed, as he had told me in earlier days prior to receiving the gift. "She loved pink and hearts." What did I get? A navel ring with pink hearts. I dislike both, dearly, and caught on what he said earlier. On top of that, I was allergic to it. -_- I believe I have spent well over $2000 on food, gifts, gas, clothing, etc... on the male species. Thank God no one finds me attractive right now. I don't think my bank account can handle anymore.

Consideration: Lack of consideration is a face killer to me. I have met guys who go ballistic because his girlfriend has to work all weekend or has to study all night and can't talk. That's just unacceptable. Think about what she is going through compared to your day. Apparently, some young guys don't know the phrase "Take a walk in someone else's shoes."

Hygiene/Clothing: Who wants a stinky thing on their arm? I sure don't. Then again, I don't want a guy who spends more time getting ready than I do. (Approximately 20-45minutes) Also, some guys need to tone down the closet. I understand staying fashionably up-to-date is important NOW, but when yoBoldu're 30, you will look back and say "WTF what I wearing?"

Babies: If you have a kid, take care of it! Not just when you feel like it. SO many boys are having kids lately and just aren't as ready as they thought. So they run in the other direction and wonder why their "baby mama's" can't take it anymore. Uh hum. When you get old and decrepit, lying on your death bed, you don't want to look back and say "I should have done more". Even though your kid may be young NOW and won't remember anything, they do form a bond very early. If you are planning on dating a girl with a child (i.e. Raven, and more), just don't have the stigma of "let me put up with this kid because I have to." Mothers have a way of spotting these people out, and believe me. It is VERY easy. Easier than you think... And don't expect her to put her kid aside for you. Would you put aside your paycheck for about 2 weeks or would you get it sooner?

Players & Cheaters: After being tricked that you are "the only one he's interested in" for the 3rd time, girls tend to start to figure out the games. This ain't the Player's Club. Ok? This is real life, yo! Cheaters also. Just break up with the girl before you decide to find another girl. Its SO simple and non-greedy.... and non-higher-STD passing-ness. And if you have a hard time controlling yourself, let ya girl know up front so she can decide if she wants to stay or not be so shocked if something happens. Gosh. Now if only guys would listen to me...

And finally, remember, girls are fragile souls... We break easily. Except for Raven. She has no heart to break. Treat her how you would like to be treated, and I'm sure she will do the same back. =D

Now... if only people would actually take this advice for real...


  1. I blame this fatherless society that we live in. There are no men around to teach these boys to be men. Their mothers are either too busy working or coddling them to teach them anything either...

  2. I KNOW!!! I blame them also, but I didn't want to call out the daddys just yet. That's a WHOLE other can of worms @__@
