Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dear Mia,

I don't think "miss" is a strong enough word to express how I feel right now. Long for? Crave? Yearn?

I haven't seen your pretty, bouncing face in exactly 20 days. Only 4 more until I get to hug you, and kiss you, and take you out places, and be force-fed by you then hear "Mmmm!" as if it were so delicious. There hasn't been one day that has gone by where I haven't sat on the couch and imagined seeing you run & dance around the living room like you always do.

As much as I wanted to come with you, I just couldn't. And as much as I wanted you to stay with me, I couldn't either. There was no one here to watch you while I was at school and work, so I had to let you go. Now you're 2,503 miles and 2 time zones away from me.

Sometimes I wonder if you think about me. I know you're only 17months old and probably think I'm at work.... for a very long time. I also wonder if you will remember me... And that's what hurts the most about you being gone.

But, I will be strong; even though I have kept myself busy every single day since you have been gone to distract me from the fact that you aren't here, coming home to an empty house and not being greeted by a happy dance & a hug is still foreign and saddening to me.

Four more days, Mia, four more days...
Love, Mommy.

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