Friday, July 23, 2010

Au Natural sans le Chop #1

I've decided to go natural with my hair (without chopping it all off).
It's going to require dedication, patience and a whole new outlook on what my head will look like.

I've alway love BIG CURLY HAIR.
I've just never see it on myself.
For as long as I can remember about my hair, it has been chemically straightened. So from about 5 or 6 years old, I've never see my natural hair. That's nearly 14 years worth of harsh chemicals on my hair that can burn its way through your skin if you leave it on too long! Pretty sad, but my mom doesn't like the Motherland hair.

She grew up in a time where skin bleaching and relaxers in your hair would make you beautiful to the public eye. The closer you looked like the "white man" the better off you were. And I've pretty much grown up with that belief until I got old enough to think for myself...
Now I'm 19 years old and I can choose what I want to do with my head and African culture is more accepted...a little... maybe not in the South so much...

Two months and 20 days since I had my last relaxer and I have never see this many curls popping out of my scalp before in my life. Of course it's going to be hard now because I have never had to look at or deal with my genetic hair, nor learn how to manage it either.

I did think about shaving my head but that strikes fear into my kidney even more than childbirth! Here are my reasons:
#1) I've always had hair. Even when I was born.
#2) Will my job fire me? We can't even wear obscene hair do's or nose/facial piercings!
#3) I don't wanna be stared at...
#4) No cute boy wants a bald girl like him. No stepdaddy for Mia! lol.
#5) My mother would be very, VERY disappointed.

The only reason why my mom is accepting me of not perming my hair now is because, quote: "Oh yeah! And when you're new growth gets long, the Dominicans can blow & straighten the naps right out!", end quote. Then I said "Well, what it I shaved my head?" Mother: "Now, don't be stupid, Raven."
Eh... Not much support... Both or my sisters are natural! So I have them to look to... And my mom doesn't like their heads either...

But enough about the negative. I'm just excited to see what my curl pattern will be like!
Type 4a hair??
Beautiful Length - Brunette, 4a, Male, Medium hair styles, Kinky hair, Styles, Black hair, Adult hair hairstyle picture

Type 4b hair??
Oooh. That one looks challenging...

Well, I guess its like another pregnancy. Get looked at strangely, you aren't always accepted and it's a big, BIG change to your life. I got through having Mia, I guess I can give birth to my naturally, curly, big hair. Who knows! I might have to change the title to "Au Natural avec le Chop!" =]


  1. You can do it! You're a really brave and strong person and I have faith in you!

    You are going to be an inspiration for many other young black girls who are scared of natural hair.

    Thank you!

  2. i hope so. i like inspiring people. =]
    i try but u know ppl dont listen either until its too late or they really want to.

  3. youtube!!! it helped me start transitioning and I'm about 6 months in... I REFUSE to cut all my hair off too but learning how to deal w/ my hair in its natural state is hard as hell, youtube is amazing...
