Friday, July 23, 2010


Since high school, I have realized how... untrue some people can be. Untrue to themselves.
They give off the image of being "Brittany" in front of their close friends, but in front of acquaintances or new people, they turn into "Britt-nay". Its like a bad weave.
You think it's cute but everyone close to you knows it's just wrong... so wrong.... Like these girls.

SO many people try to be someone they are not just to fit in. If those people don't like the actual personality you have, why bother wasting your time? Then the people who know you the most realize what you are doing and don't enjoy this fake "Brittany" at all. It's rather disappointing...

Knowing someone's self-esteem is that low or must maintain the image they made for themselves is more important than being true to themselves.

My friends and I, on the other hand, are not like this. We are the same in the mall, in the club, in Walmart, at a party, consistently. We don't turn into Shaliqua and Lahquay at the club and don't talk to you; or Jennifer and Sarah in Walmart and say "hi" to everyone; or Juanita and Maria in the mall and pretend to be rich. Still the same old girls with the same old personalities and the same fair treatment.

Ugh. It just annoys me how it takes leaving high school to realize how inconsistent personalities of people can be. Stop the madness. Treat everyone the same no matter where or when you see them. Be true to yourself.

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