Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Creepers. *Psh*

I know I will never understand the male species, but...

You guys know you do some strange junk. Especially when it comes to trying to hit on a girl.
I hate when I'm sitting peacefully in the car, waiting for the red light to change when my little invisible friend in the car tells me to look to my right.
There is some ugly, gorilla-lookin' dude in the car next to me jockin' the mess outta me like he's NEVER seem someone of the female species before. Sheesh. So I go back to looking straight forward.
Then he tries to SAY something now. I guess he didn't realize that I was IGNORING his ugly face. Omg. So then I just rolled up that window. Yet, he still insists on looking through the tint to see my face... Pathetic...

Another guy pulled up next to me once & realized that I have tinted windows. So he decided to pull up a little further so he could see me clearly through the windshield. Really? That was completely lame and uncalled for...

Then the creepiest one was at my school. I work in the morning, so I'm walking to the library at about 9am. I hear one of the golf carts that the service workers drive around campus behind me so I'm like whatever! Do-dodo-do-dodo-dooo. Then I think " Dang. This freakin' cart hasn't passed me yet?! Dude drivin' hella slow cuz I ain't walking THAT fast." Then I realize he is right beside me. So I look over & this ugly old man with a big smile on his face is like "Hey."
So I said "Hi" and hopped, skipped & scurried my little self down to the library faster than fast.

I saw him again when I was at my car. I was getting my books out the back seat & he pulled up to do something & I slammed the door & rustled away quickly. Gosh...
(I love how I used words that I would relate to a squirrel or animal running from danger. "Scurry, rustle". lol)

Really. Do you think you can be the next Hugh Hefner?
You can't afford me if your just a service worker/technician. *psh*

So what are your creepy, strange, hitting on stories?

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