Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Girls, Girls, Girls!

Now, it is time to criticize girls, since I tore apart the boys in the previous blog.

Being a girl, I can take what is wrong with myself and what I see in other womanly people also. This should be fun...

Relationships: Such a BIG topic to girls. If you are like myself and grew up in the 90's, all the Disney movies taught us to always be skinny, with big, glowing eyes, long, flowing hair, adequate waist bust size, and your prince will come to save you. I know what you are thinking. "Ain't no man gonna come sweep me off my feet! I ain't waiting for no prince." In fact, you may tell yourself that, but subliminally, it is embedded into your subconscious. How many times have you daydreamed about a dream, perfect guy coming to you out of nowhere and you live happily ever after? Exactly. We all do. I still do, although I try to suppress it because I know that is impossible, and TV moments don't happen in real life. I wish girls would stop thinking that every guy is good and will love you forever, when in fact, over half of the guys you meet could potentially break your heart and want you for nothing more than a good time. A guy you believe will be around forever could be looking at you and think he's gonna be around for a minute. If we were more independent and stop looking at relationships as our only source of happiness, the less heartbreak would happen. There is more to life than trying to find a prince who is wearing a mask to hide his villainous face.

Break-ups: Oh, dear, how do I start this one? As much as my fellow females LOVE to cling on to their men, sometimes, I don't think it's worth it. Yes, you should cling a little as time progresses, but if you have been with a guy for 1-4 months, I really don't see why he should even have one of your tears. It's too soon to form such a strong bond on to someone. It's not the end of the world and it's not like losing a parent. Just get over it! Years, on the other hand are a little more complicated. It's like you have to rearrange your whole life because you're used to having that person around you all the time. All I can say is fill your life with positive things and positive people and you will be better soon. He's a scum-face anyway. I just think girls need to stop putting so much drama into a break up when it really isn't that grand. Look at it this way! He obviously wasn't the one and now you can find your true mate!

Teenager Girls: I know puberty has set in and you believe you are invincible. Well, the puberty part is true. Invincible?? Not so much. I've gone back to my high school and seen SO many girls who are 14, 15, 16 or 17 walking around like they own the place, rude as ever and in EVERY football players face thinking they can get a shot at being popular. No, life is more than going to every party, drinking and throwing yourself at guys who could care less about you once you graduate. It's sad to see them all acting redundant and yelling through the halls like they're a bunch of banshees! Long acrylic nails with neon colors. Weave all over the place. When you look back when you are 30, you will think to yourself "What was I doing?!" (Or not...) All I have to say is there are more important things than dating the guy on the football team and trying to be Ms. Popular for 4 short years. I guarantee, at the reunions everyone will remember you for your bad qualities, and nothing you did well.
Clothing: Please stop dressing like you are going to work at Magic City. No one wants to know every detail of your butt crack or cleavage or mid section because that's ALL that hangs out. It's really disrespectful to yourself, and like I said before, do you want to look back and say "WHOA!!" or "Oh, I looked nice!" Plus more guys will take you more seriously when you dress in a modest attire rather than, once again, throwing your body parts at their eyes. I think Muslim women are very lucky because the are covered with their hijab and abayah because it keeps men from giving them unwanted sexual advances, AND men are able to look into the woman's eyes, see her face, and be able to fall in love with who she is. Rather than being distracted by the cleavage and backside calling his name. Catch my drift? I doubt any girl would change her attire if she's getting the attention she wants, but hey! It's worth a try... Stop dressing like Nicki Minaj. She gets paid to do that, you don't.

Makeup: There is such a thing called "too much" and some girls over do it. I know some mother don't help with the whole "makeup trying phase" (I know my mom never did!), and there is certain etiquette to putting on makeup so you don't look like a drag queen or wanna be famous. Mascara on the bottom lashes? Can be cute, it you aren't trying to be Twiggy. Cracking foundation or powder that doesn't match your complextion will never be in style. SOOOO much eyeliner that you look like a racoon when you wake up is never adorable. Then again, I guess we're all just following fashion crazes. Except for me. I MAKE them. =P

And remember, you are perfect no matter how tall, fat, skinny, short, pretty, ugly, chunky, plumpy, busty, mean, nice, courageous, shy, gay, straight, bi, trans, psychotic, OCD-ed or insane you are. Everyone is special in their own ways. So what if guys ignore you or you can't seem to find the right boyfriend/girlfriend. There will the day when you won't be searching anymore for who you are, and you will be content with yourself, whether it is alone with 14 cats, or married with 6 kids, 2 dogs and 4 ferrets.


  1. wow. this is good. :) very inspirational and true. ;) thank you. i now have some tips for later in life.

  2. 'I think Muslim women are very lucky because the are covered with their hijab'

    are you fucking mental?

  3. This is stupid, you can't tell people how to live their lives, maybe you should get one you old bag.
