Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 23: The last person you kissed

Dear Mia,

I always get kisses from you! Everyday, I get a hug and a kiss from you. Sometimes you don't want to hug me and just hug my arm. Other times, you spit on me when you give me a kiss.... But it's ok. I know you don't mean any harm. Even when you grab my neck when I don't want to give you a kiss....

Anyway, so you'll be two years old in a month and I still don't know what to do for your birthday. Maybe something little at the house because, you know/ You don't have any friends. haha! But really... Your only friend is Sumaiyah & Myllan and they don't count because you're related to them. You'll go to daycare sooner or later and get more amigos.
I'm thinking of making you a Ni Hao fondant cake and Chinese themed foods since you love that show. It will also help to express my artistic side as well as learn how to cook! I have to learn some day or you'll starve or be one of those obese kids who ate processed food & food that lacked color! (That is a little extreme) Besides! You LOVE vegetables. We might have to turn vegan just to accommodate your love of the naturally colorful foods.
I still have a month to plan out all the food & gifts.

And Christmas is coming up. Mommy isn't big on holidays. Mommy doesn't really celebrate any holidays because Mommy doesn't have a set religion, but I'll get you some stuff so you can go along with our so called "family traditions", but don't expect too many gifts!! All the cool stuff will come for your birthday. It's mostly because I believe Jesus would want you to focus on being with family and his miraculous conception/birth rather than 1992783748 gifts under a tree. Gifts are for birthdays in my eyes. So I got you some new earrings! I'll get you some books and a big girl potty seat to start this potty training thing you seem to hate already.
I gotta go feed you some wings now. I'll update more later.

With love, Mommy

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