Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 25: The person you know that is going through the worst of time

Dear World,

Are we all going through the worst of times? Isn't life kind of a cycle of suffering, happiness, boredom, fear, anger, and eventually death?
Then again, there is no way of measuring the worst of time because something even worse could happen at any moment or what some people think is little is HUGE to another person.
I have $5 in my bank account.
I can't get those boots I want.
I'm a single father with no help.
I hate my job.
My country is at war.
I hate going to school because I'm picked on for being different.
I hate my car for being old.
There's different ways people measure what is considered "the worst". Instead of worrying about "the worst" in life, think about the best! Life is too short anyway to be pessimistic to the extreme. Who knows! You may be reborn and be able to try this life out again. I guess if you look at it, the worst of time is not knowing everything you want to know about your life. So don't worry about this and that and that stupid cat that scares you by your car, and think of what is good NOW. After all, if you think your life sucks, there is always someone with a suckier life & is completely happy with it.


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