Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 20: The one that broke your heart the hardest

Dear Heart breaker,

I guess it really wouldn't matter if I wrote you a letter because you are oblivious to have you had done. Nor would it be of any relevance to you, your life, you lady friend(s), or anything pertaining to you.
With that said, I guess I could say I have picked up the pieces, gorilla glued them back together because super glue didn't hold up so well last time, and kept it moving. Sure, some pieces were lost because they were too small, so there are always going to be parts of myelf shining out of the spaces. And these shining spaces seem to attract bad people like how mosquitoes are attracted to light. Like ferrets run for and steal shiny objects. Let's just hope this gorilla glue hold up so the next time its dropped, my inner being won't escape.

Love, Raven

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