Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sushi + Swine Flu = Qué?

usb-sushi.jpg sushi image by jprottenSo I was skimming the internet & came across this article about the swine flu. we all know about it, got scared & now it has pretty much subsided to just a little trickle instead of the waterfall of news & reports we had about a month or two ago. Sheesh...

You can find the original article here or just go to and read some other articles about health things & such.

The article was mostly about the consumption of fish oil & how it might be bad for you, may have a link to swine flu, etc... Researchers did a study on mice that were fed fish oil & corn oil rish deits & found the mice who had the fish oil had a slightly higher mortality rate than the other...
I know. We all thought fish oil was good for us, but then again, what is good for us anymore? Too much water can poison you body, too many vitamins can do the same...

But the big part of this study is that the CD8+ & CD14+ cells (found in the spleen to fight off infection & diseases) were less in the fish oil mice than the corn oil mice. Why is this important? Well, lower immune system + swine flu = NOT GOOD.
They also found that children who were FORCED to take fish oil (like my self when I was a youngster) had lower CD8+ and CD14+ cells.... Yeah. Thanks mom for forcing me to drink nasty crap & lower my immune system so I can't fight off the killer pigs... Show you cared a lot... (Like my sarcasm?!)

So what can we say from this? Wash your hands, use Germ-X & wear those stylish face masks!
And don't forget to thank you mothers & fathers for forcing you to drink/swallow that nasty fish oil as a kid. I know I will!

Fish_Oil.jpg Fish Oil image by junkyardlol. Fish Oil.

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