Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 11: A Deceased person you wish you could talk to

Dear Martin Luther King,

I am not writing to you because I am praising you on all your hard work. I am writing to you because I know the truth. The truth behind all the lies they told us in secondary school Civil Right History.

For one, you were NOT the center piece of the Civil Rights Movement. There were lots of people who did wonderful things even before you were born to push for equality. It just so happens that you were born at the right time & the right changes in history to make an impact. If you were born in W.E.B Du Bois' day, it would not have been the same outcome.

Also, why didn't you follow your heart and marry the German girl? Sure, there would have been ridicule & scorn from society, friends, and family. If that is where your heart is, you should have gone for it. Maybe even move back to Germany with her or Brazil where they would have just thought "Oh! He's just making sure his children turn out whiter by marrying her," instead of the ridicule you would have received here. Instead, you married Coretta. A beautiful woman who put up with you infidelity, being gone for weeks, and putting her and your children's lives in danger. But I guess that's just what women did back then....

On the other hand, you were a great leader and speaker. Your strong (and southern) voice was an adequate tool when it came to speeches. I doubt I would have gotten the same response if I, with my "California accent" and proper grammar/pronunciation, would gotten the same feeling out of the crowd. And although many... many... of your plans fell through, the memories you left behind were inspirational.

In the end, if I were to talk to you some how, I would just want to know why did you do the things you did? How did you feel? And how would you change anything? I still think you are a respectable man, but some of my views of you have changed being the feminist type person I am.


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