Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 9: Someone You Wish You Could Meet

Dear Barack Obama,
I know you don't know who I am, or that I voted for you in the freezing cold, standing in like for 3 hours and about 6.5 months pregnant. It was well worth it, especially since it was my first time voting (at the tender age of 17). Well, I would like to meet you just to give you encouragement. I know lots of people don't like your face, or your views, or the fact that you're a smoker, but hey! I think you're doing great. I mean, really, you can't fix a century's worth of damage in a month.
But anyway, if I did meet you, I'd give you a big hug because hugs are nice and make the world happy.
With love,

Dear Bruno Mars,
I know you are not all THAT attractive. You actually remind me of a chihuahua. BUT your voice is amazing. It makes me happy when I hear it. Will you marry me?? Just asking. I only want to meet you so you can sing to me while I fall asleep. I'd have sweet dreams every night. You just can't sleep in my bed. I like my space. You can sleep in a sleeping bag on the floor. =]
With love,

Dear Hayden Christensen,
I just want to touch your face because it is pretty. And I like your skinny-ness too. That is all.
Love, Raven

Dear God,
I just want to know what you really look like before I die. Are you like the Michelangelo painting of God and Adam? Or like the Hindu god Brahma with many faces in all directions? Or Mahavira and Buddha in a lotus position? Or like the clouds and you don't have a specific look because you are a part of everyone?
I don't know. I just want to meet you.
Love, Raven

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