Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 12: The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain

Hate is a strong word. I try not to say I hate people because they may end up being my life saver. And, like I was telling my friends, to me, pain is physically felt to me. Not emotionally. So...

Dear Person who caused me a lot of discontent,

You have made me sad, melancholy, discontent, bitter, pessimistic, sorrowful, somber, upset, and pensive. (Those are all the words I can think of that relate to "sad".) I let it bother me for an extended amount of time, but then I thought, "Why am I letting this control my emotions?"

Its stupid for letting someone (or someones) control how you view your life.

With that being said, I no longer worry about the discontent I felt. Why you ask?
Well, I have better things in life to be happy about rather than sulk on a daily about you-know-who doing you-know-what at whatever-time-of-day to whatever-that-person's-name on something-irrelevant-to-me while laughing-and-being-immature. (I'm just saying phrases with hyphens. This is not a true story where I can fill in the italicized words)

I'm in college! I have money. I have a great daughter who makes me smile daily. I have a home to go to everyday. I am able to buy things with my own money. I have hair! I have nice nail genes. I have nice teeth genes. I'm very healthy. I know how to swim. I learned how to dive! I have heat in my home so I won't freeze. And running water. And food (too much food). I don't have cystic acne. I'm short! I'm smart. I learn quickly. I play the flute and clarinet. My body is proportional to my size (except my thighs).I have a great rice cooker. I can still dance, leap, gran jete, coupe, and fouette after not dancing for nearly 3 years. My closet is full of clothes that I never wear. I have cool green, leopard printed glasses (my 2 faves). And finally, I am alive.

See, many (living) people can not say that many positive things. So with all these happy things in my world, one person, or people couldn't have that much of an impact that I need to go on a full rant about my hatred for them. Besides, hatred causes more hatred in the world.

With that being said, the one or ones who have brought me discontent, gracias. Because now I know not to put up with people who bring me down.


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